Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Stepping Out: Going Public with a Personal Growth Obsession

You would not believe how long it's taken to "go public" like this; or "go potentially public," I should say: it's not like I expect crowds of thousands to descend on this blog...

Still, even with just my one follower (who is likely me, under a different name) there's something about going public that makes me anxious.  More grist for the mill, I suppose (if anyone even knows what that means anymore in this day of iPads... not that iPads replaced mills); a chance to examine why on earth I'd be reluctant to post my deepest fears and my enormous personal shame.

So what is this blog?  I like to dig into past and present experiences to see what I can learn.  I read a lot of books and some of them I like to share with others.  What I write here is driven by two things: 1) wanting to make sense of life, and, 2) my quest to tame personal demons (including anxiety and rage).  Some of the things I've learned over the years might be useful to others.  If not, I hope at least they're entertaining.

Who am I otherwise?  For the past eleven years I worked at a university teaching people how to teach, present, and facilitate and now I am a consultant doing the same.  I also teach kids about social violence (preventing it, mainly...).  I'm fascinated by relationships and by groups and I'm especially keen on conflict, which is lucky, as I seem to generate a fair amount of it, especially in my romantic relationships.  If I'd been smart about my schooling, it probably would've been in psychology rather than forestry.

So if you enjoy single clapping hands or are big into symbolism or are so reflective that you are, in fact, a mirror, then there may be something here for you.

Octopus Laundry

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